you can return your order to the warehouse for a full refund (Returns must be unused and unopened, in the state you received them, and in the original packaging). We believe that in order to have the best possible online shopping experience, our customers should not have to pay for domestic return shipping. So if a return is needed for any of the above reasons, just send us a email with a picture of the postage receipt you paid to return the item back to us and when the item reaches us, we will paypal/bank transfer you the amount you paid for the postage to us.
(Self Service) Return Instructions
The items sent back to us must be in the original packaging, and the merchandise is in the same condition.
•You can return your purchase for up to 14 days from the purchase date. If you
•Products must be in the condition you received them and in the original box and/or packaging.
•Return shipping is absolutely FREE
•Please do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer.