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All about LADYBUG Package - Life cycle Models /4 Part cards/Knobbed puzzle/ladybug counters

All about LADYBUG Package - Life cycle Models /4 Part cards/Knobbed puzzle/ladybug counters

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The package set contains 

1. Miniature models of Ladybug's Life cycle (PACKED IN A ZIPLOCK BAG )
2. Ladybug Lifecycle: 4 part cards - Laminated with round edges ( PACKED IN PLASTIC BAG)
- control card (picture card with word labels)
- pictorial cards ( picture card with no word labels) 
- word labels
- information cards
3. Wooden Knob Anatomy Puzzle showing parts of a LADYBUG
4. Ladybug miniature wooden figurines, can be used for numeracy activities. Total of 50 pieces comes a plastic bag

5. Package of items 1. and 2. comes in a Kraft box to store the models and cards. (FOR MODEL & CARDS PKG PURCHASE) 
6. Package of items 1., 2. and 3.
7. Package of items 1., 2. 3., and 4.

For Items 1. and 2. : A non reading child can match the labelled cards to the models

Item 1.: Description

  • Interesting and interactive material to ignite curiosity to learn about the lifecycle.
  • Introduces the stages of the bee lifecycle in a visual manner.
  • Fun way to learn science and discover the wonders of nature.
  • Child will be able to order the lifecycle stages starting from egg to bee and understand how a ladybug is born.

  Item 2. : Description

  • This is an extension from the Lifecycle of a Ladybug model. The model was for visual learning now the child has progressed on to abstract.
  • Child manipulates with these cards to internalize the information provided on the cards for example the different stages of the ladybug lifecycle.
  • It enhances the child’s concentration and eye hand coordination, as the child has to match the correct picture and word label to the control.
  • It is an excellent tool to train matching skills and enhance on the child’s reading skills.
  • It cultivates the curiosity to find out more information about the stages of each part. For example, what happens when it is an egg? 

How to use: Presentation 1: Lifecycle models

Note: Child does not need to be a reader for this activity.

  1. Remove the lifecycle models and arrange randomly on mat or table.
  2. Allow child to explore and share prior knowledge.
  3. Take the leaf and ask child to observe the eggs.
  4. Inform child, about the egg stage by referring to the information cards in the 4 part cards.)
  5. Arrange the lifecycle models in a circular form as shown in the picture.

Extension: If child can read you can match the word labels to the models and follow-up with a worksheet or lifecycle craft. This will reinforce the lesson on the lifecycle stages for the child.

Presentation 2: Lifecycle cards (For children who are beginning readers)

  1. Review the lifecycle models.
  2. Remove the control card. Arrange on the top starting with egg, until the bee, from left to right.
  3. Match the models to the control cards (picture and word) to show the connection of concrete to abstract.
  4. Remove the models.
  5. Match the picture cards to the control cards.
  6. Repeat with the word cards.
  7. Review the lifecycle using the 3 Period Lesson. “This is the egg”,followed by the other stages. Now, “Show me the egg”, child to point at the corresponding picture card. Point at the egg stage and ask, “Tell me what is this?” Repeat for all the cards.
  8. Use the information cards and share what happens at each stage.


A child who can read and write and draw the stages and describe then using the information cards as a guide.

Note: This activity enhances the child’s language; fine motor skills, numeracy, science and discovery of the world. The child is aware of how things work in nature.

For Item 3. Description

  • Fun and stimulates child’s interest in the natural world and help them identify the animals represented.
  • Provides hands-on opportunity to learn the anatomical parts of each animal. 
  • Each puzzle piece has a wooden knob, which encourages both tactile and visual sensory skills and enhances fine motor skills.
  • Child will use their finger in pincer grip to grab the knob, which indirectly prepares the child to holding a pencil for writing in the future.
  • This is a self-correcting material, which encourages problem-solving skills, as child has to figure out independently on how to fix the pieces of the puzzle.
  • It enhances the child’s eye hand co-ordination and gives the child a challenge to overcome.

 Age: 3 years and above

For item 4. : Ladybug Miniature Wooden Figurines


  • 49 pieces of ladybug figurines made from wood.
  • It has double-sided tape under the figurine, so it can stick. Can be used for arts and craft.
  • This material is good to teach your child numeracy, can start with rote counting. It can be further extended to build on 1-1 correspondence.
  • Child can count the loose quantity and match numeral to quantity.
  • Child can use it as counters for addition and subtraction.
  • Child can form number bonds using the ladybug counters.
  • This material can be used to introduce grouping (multiplication) to a child.

 Age: 4 years and above (Note: Child not be putting items in the mouth as figurines are rather small)

 How to use: Presentation of Puzzle

  1. Begin with the puzzle.
  2. Remove each piece from the knob emphasizing on the pencil grip.
  3. Introduce the name of each piece by pointing at it. Ask child to show the parts as you name them. Point at the part and ask child, “What is this?” (Note: This is called the 3 Period Lesson in Montessori demonstrations.)
  4. Build the puzzle outside of the wooden tray.
  5. Build the puzzle back into the tray.
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