Joy Cowley - Emotional Well Being Series Books - Ketenangan Emosi - Ma -

Joy Cowley - Emotional Well Being Series Books - Ketenangan Emosi - Malay

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This set consists of  8 books of 'Ketenangan Emosi' 





            •           More than 200,000 copies sold  

            •           Fun stories and beautiful illustrations to capture children’s attention  

            •           Written by world-renowned children’s author  




Kesihatan Diri (Physical Well-Being)  

ISBN 13:         978-981-4270-53-3  


Mata dan Telinga                               (Eyes and Ears)  

Makanan                                            (Food)  

Menjaga Kecergasan Badan             (Keeping Fit)  

Saya Istimewa                                   (My Special Self)  

Katakan Tidak                                   (Say No)  

Kulit Saya                                          (My Skin)  

Tidur                                                  (Sleep)  

Gigi                                                    (Teeth)  


Ketenangan Emosi (Emotional Well-Being)  

ISBN 13:         978-981-4270-71-7  


Kemarahan                                        (Anger)  

Keindahan                                         (Beauty)  

Saya Takut                                        (I am Afraid)  

Masalah                                             (Problems)

Kesedihan                                         (Sadness)

Saya Sayangkan Keluarga Saya       (I Love My Family)

Gadis Yo-Yo                                      (The Yo-Yo Girl)

Budak di Tepi Tingkap                       (Boy at the Window)


Tatatertib Hidup Bermasyarakat (Social Well-Being)

ISBN 13:         978-981-4270-62-5


Meyayangi Suzie                               (Looking After Suzie)

Berbudi Bahasa                                 (Good Manners)

Tony yang Selekeh                            (Tornado Tony)

Kawan-kawan                                    (Friends)

Hormat-menghormati                         (Respect)

Bantu-membantu                               (Helping)

Sekolah Kami                                    (Our School)

Bandar Kami                                      (Our Town)








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