Montessori Activities with my Grandson - Texture

Montessori Activities with my Grandson - Texture

S - was born on 1st March 2017.

Trying my best to use the Montessori materials and Maria Montessori's philosophy and theories.

Water play -  We put ice cubes in the water and got S to put his hands in the water and feel the icy cold water. 

We usually do these messy activities just before his morning shower time. After that straight to shower !


Exploring Different Textures 

1. Using Water Beads - These are quite slimy and tend to slip off fingers .

Caution - Do Not leave the child alone even for a single minute due to choking hazard. 

To Purchase the water beads click here : 

2. Using Corn / Flour / Sugar 


3.  A Different Texture - Kinetic Sand 

  To Purchase Kinetic Sand - Click Here 

4. Book on Exploring Textures ..

Somehow S loves the furry Gorilla ! He would immediately flip to the back of the page and start to grab the Gorilla's fur ! 

 Date : 29th May 2018 

S. is almost 15 months old now.

Today we did the water beads and sea creatures play..

You just need to soak the beads in water and viola they grow/ expand and the longer they are kept in water the more they seem to grow.

S. enjoyed putting in the slippery and slimy water beads and went they fall off he is able to pick them up and put them back in the tray.


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