The Benefits of reading Aloud to Children
The Benefits of Reading Aloud to Children
I really cannot stress enough the importance of reading aloud to children, even after they are able to read by themselves. We all remember being read to by our parents when we were young and now reading to our own children.
Most of us, (me included) stop reading to our kids once they are able to read by themselves or once they start attending primary school. Sometimes we also feel guilty of not doing it as often as we should too.
Once a child is about 5 to 7 years old he/she is able to understand books that are way above their age. By reading challenging books, you are exposing them to vocabulary and words that they themselves are not able to read on their own. This is in fact a fantastic approach that can be very beneficial to a family with multi-age children.
Just by reading a book that is fun and engaging for more than one age group, each child of a different age will comprehend and get something different from the story. A younger child might just simply enjoy the plot and the different interesting characters, while an older child might pick up on the thematic approach of the story.
In this way they expand their vocabulary and imagination and most of all they only require one thing more than anything else: their parents’ attention.
Some of my children’s favourite memories when they were kids were of me reading out loud to them—books that they would not have chosen to read on their own. My daughter would always want me to read her favourite story ‘An old lady who swallowed a fly”, so that she could get to tickle me at the part ‘jiggle and wriggle inside her’
In fact children usually copy what we do rather than what we say, so a sure way to develop a reader would be for the parents themselves to love reading. If you as a parent snuggle up with a book, at one point of time you will see your child with a book too. It may be upside down and the words may be meaningless to him/her but that is a sure sign or a reader.
Your child is demonstrating that he/she wants to learn to read. And that is definitely the love and joy of reading that you want to nurture.
The Benefits of Reading Aloud to Children
1. Develops a love of reading
2. Develops logical and analytical thinking skills
3. Develops imagination
4. Expands their vocabulary
5. Strengthens the parent and child bond
6. Helps to increase concentration and attention span
To Yours and Your Child's Sucess
Nafisa Juzer
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